Young widow Zhuo Wenjun, was the daughter of Zhuo Wangsun of Lin Hong County in Sichuan Province. She was well versed in literature and music, and enjoyed reading the works of Sima Xiangru, the contemporary poet.
Sima Xiangru, on his way home to Chengdu, passed through Lin Hong County, and was honored by the magistrate who recommended him to the literary circle of that district.
Sima Xiangru dropped in one day at Cho Wangsun's house. Cho Wenjun, peering through the curtain, listened to his musical performance on the 'gu qin', which at once touched her heart. By a sudden gust of the wind, the curtain shifted. They saw each other and fell in love at first sight.
With the help of her maid servant, Zhuo Wenjun eloped one night to the embrace of Sima Xiangru. They swore to be together forever.
In the dark of night, they left together for Sichuan, leaving her home behind
They returned to Lin Hong nine months later, but was ignored by Zhuo's father, angered by her elopement to a poor scholar. She pawned her jewels and opened a wine shop with her husband.
They returned to Lin Hong nine months later, but was ignored by Zhuo's father, angered by her elopement to a poor scholar. She pawned her jewels and opened a wine shop with her husband.
The Han emperor, who admired Sima Xiangru's writings, summoned him to the Capital.
Zhuo Wenjun bade farewell to Sima Xiangru, as he prepared for his trip to the Capital to see the Emperor.
Sima Xiangru was bestowed the title of 'general,' and ordered to carry the Emperor's edict to the southwestern border of China. While passing through Linhong county, Zhuo Wangsun changed his attitude toward his son-in-law, welcoming him with an elaborate feast.
Sima Xiangru returned to the Capital in glory. However, other courtiers became jealous of his rise and plotted his downfall. Sima found himself imprisoned for no cause.
Zhuo Wangsun, learning that Sima Xiangru was imprisoned, ordered his daughter to remarry. She defied his ultimatum and fled to Chengdu.
The Emperor knew that Sima was innocent, and reinstated his title upon release from prison a year later.
A cynical, disillusioned Sima lost interest in the court and asked to be transferred to Mouling where he met a young woman whom he intended to take as a concubine.
Learning of her husband's intention, Zhuo Wenjun sent Sima her well-known poem " A White-haired Couple."
Sima was so deeply touched by the poem that he immediately abandoned his plan with the young woman. He and Zhuo Wenjun reunited and lived together until they became a white-haired couple.
Zhuo Wenjun/Sima Xiangru video clips http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/oiBwIf-ezeM/ http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/A_GjzxNqnDs/ http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/1K9wyY4bOic/ http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/jOvKxZyNUsc/ http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/s0U-62RfaK4/ http://tv.mofile.com/0E37KK7P/
Sima Xiangru's "Rhapsody to the Tall Gate" http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTExNjg0MzI=.html
Sima Xiangru's poem "Peacock Flies South" http://tv.mofile.com/QWT9S01B/
love songs to Zhuo Wenjun/Sima Xiangru http://tv.mofile.com/B74 http://tv.mofile.com/K3H2MUXY/ http://tv.mofile.com/B74IBKFS/ http://tv.mofile.com/N6JLIYNP/ http://tv.mofile.com/46NSPMIL
Zhuo Wenjun/Sima Xiangru opera version http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/60AZOhfJOOU/
Tang Dynasty love story (english sub) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/4Eh_Ynfpw4k/
Tang dynasty love story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPGZ0aBpthc
Han Dynasty romance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUDS2GyArOk
Romance of Wang Zhaojun http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cd00XNzcwMDQ2NA==.html
Wedding scene from Emperor Han Wudi drama series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwatb7JMbpM
video clips from Emperor Han Wudi drama series http://video.baidu.com/v?word=%BA%BA%CE%E4%B4%F3%B5%DB&ct=301989888&pn =0&db=0&s=0&fbl=800 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKGxs6lPYUs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnpQPrpmbrQ&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsqMsVDq9_c&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx4YRWFD3LM&feature=related